We’re all racing toward the day we were born
Each day, each month, each bated breath
Passing in a blink
Loopty Loop it goes
Trading along the way
Making determinant deals
Bartering hopes, and dreams
In tandem with our affections and fears
Still death tries to stop the flow
It looms at every waking turn and corner
An abortional device for what was meant to be
Or so we think
For it was in that trading
That true life’s put to risk
In this alternative that presented itself
Long before we were ever born
Starting this play by play
Commentary broadcasted for the angels
By the angels
Spectators in this arena
These are the days of our lives
Two thirds just watching, waiting
And always working on HIS behalf
And ours…
We, like gladiators choosing our weapons
Two by two; one hand at a time
To live another day
Or maybe just give up by the end of the day
For to learn is to know how to play
It takes Wisdom and Understanding
To truly keep up – with strategic fight
In warfare
In war
And win
It is in Wisdom
We win
Because The True Victor has already been crowned
And The Power at play has already been given
I have received this Wisdom
And reapply every moment of the day
In greater, and increasing proportions
By HIS Hands
In HIS Love
Through HIS Sacrifice
And if you’ve done, as well
As I have already done
You’d understand
With absolute certainty
That in Truth
And by distinctive design
We’re really racing toward the day we are born