Flights Of FanSae
Generally speaking
I wouldn’t say this
I’d leave you to your own devices
After all
The rule is tied to choices
But there’s a saying
That goes like this
“MY people perish for lack of Knowledge”
And going into a new day
You’d want to know this…
Just because you fail to
Accept what is True
Does not give you a free pass
To do what you do and get away with it
You will be judged one day for it
Don’t let what feels good
Or looks good to your ‘friends’ or your ‘people’
Though it be wrong in the Sight of YAHWEH
Keep you from letting it go
Those idols that you serve
They can’t save you
When you have to give the answers
For what you have, and have not done
Sure it feels good
Sure it looks good
Sure it makes you like everyone else
In that case it’ll be ok, in HIS Eyes
You keep telling yourself that
When it comes to YAHWEH GOD
Who never changes
HE Is The Same – Yesterday, Today, Forever
“Choose ye this day, whom you will serve”
Whether it be the gods of your fathers
Or YAHWEH Almighty GOD Above All
As for me and my house, we will serve YAHWEH
Modern times seem to throw believers off
They think that everything is ok to do nowadays
Even the traditions of man brought down through the ages
Idolatry accepted by believers; sanctimonious celebrations
That which reconciles the church with the world
But if it costs everything you have, get understanding
For Wisdom is the most important thing
And there’s nothing new under the sun my friend
Sift everything through YAHWEH’S Spirit in Truth
Try it right now, and find your courage today!